Tuesday, November 27, 2012

48-Final Exam

Blog adalah singkatan dari web log yang sering diartikan banyak orang sebagai buku harian online. Namun sebenarnya bog lebih dari sekedar buku harian dan informasi di dalamnya berisi informasi apa saja, mulai dari catatan harian, menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan liannya. blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Jorn Barger kelahiran 1953, beliau pertama kali memposting tentang "Blog Wisdom" di website pribadinya.

Beberapa istilah yang dihubungkan dengan blog adalah:
Proses membuat blog atau mengupdate blog.
Seseorang yang melakukan aktivitas blog.
Kumpulan drai semua blog di seluruh dunia.
Pengunjung atau pembaca blog.
Blog yang banyak menulis tentang kehidupan para selebritis/ bintang film, musisi dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan dunia hiburan.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Dog and Its Shadow

A dog gets a bone from someone, ran back to his home as soon as possible with pleasure. When he passed a very small bridge, it looked down and saw its own reflection in the water under the bridge. This greedy dogs who think they see another dog carrying a bone bigger than its.

If he stops to think, he would know that it was only its shadow. But the dog was not thinking anything, and instead dropped the bone it was carrying and jumped into the river. The greedy dog painstakingly finally swam to the river bank. When he reached the bank safely, he just stood pensive and sad because the bone it carried was lost, he later regretted what has happened and realized how stupid itself is.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Posting Introduction : History of Blog ( not recommended for ones who are looking for Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies )

Blogger is actually a blog publishing system (blog publishing system) that was originally created by Pyra Labs on August 23, 1999 and is a dedicated blog publishing tool was first intended to help popularize the format.

In February 2004, Google introduced its new service "Picasa", which is an application for organizing and editing digital photos. The service is then integrated in photo sharing utility Hello into Blogger, allowing a user blogger to post photos in your blog they made.

On 9th of May 2004, "Blogger" redesign the main display, various changes were made in the Blogger by adding features such as web standards compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments and post using email.

On 14th of August 2006, "Blogger" launched the latest release in the "beta" code "invader", along with the release version of Gold. This makes the migration of users to Google servers and is accompanied by the addition of some "new features" in it.

In December 2006, the latest version of Blogger is finally no longer in "beta" and in May 2007, Blogger had actually moved to Google servers.